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Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers Local Union # 83 was Chartered December 1, 1896
Grover Cleveland was President and Adlai Stevenson was Vice President of the United States.

A new charter was issued to Local 83 on April 1, 1920 due to the amalgamation of former Local 15, Troy, New York and Local 83, Albany, New York. For this reason, the charter In Local Union 83’s office shows the 1920 date.

Original Chartered with 12 Officers and a membership of about 140 members.

Today they have over 500 members. – Which includes Retirees, Apprentices, Service, Production, & Classified Workers.

General Convention held in Albany, NY
The 9th General Convention which began February 13, 1899.

A member of LU 83 by the name of P. J. (Packey) Downey (he was also the Corresponding Secretary for LU 83) was appointed by the IA to be a delegate to the AF of L annual Convention. He was very big on organizing Sheet Metal Workers and was responsible for having a resolution passed regarding independent sheet metal locals becoming members of the IA.

LU 83 went on strike Monday, March 31, 1902 for wages of $3.50 per day. All but 7 shops conceded and the others would probably follow by the end of the week.